Churwell Primary School

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Churwell Primary School

Learn, Aspire, Achieve

Churwell Leadership Academy

We support children to hold leadership roles in school. We believe that anybody can be a leader and role model and this helps to build skills to support our school vision of learn, aspire and achieve.

Team Captains 

Children in Year 6 get the opportunity to apply for the position of Team Captain, for one of the Four House Point Teams in school. The children write a letter to outline their skills and attributes and then attend an interview with Mrs Barson and Mrs Oakley. The decision is always very tough as the children are all so fantastic!

Our Team Captains
Our Team Captains

Morley Cluster Representatives 

Two children each year are selected to represent the school at the Morley Cluster Council meetings. These are run by Mrs Kerr from the Morley Partnership Cluster for all Morley schools. The children meet at Morley Town Hall once every half term. They discuss ideas to make Morley a better place for our children and raise money for a chosen charity.

School Council

Our school council has representatives from Year 3 -Year 6. Each child has to apply for the role by filling out an application form. The teacher selects some to read out to the class and the other children in the class vote for the person that they think will do the best job and support children's views and ideas. Please see the 'School Council' section of the website to learn more about their work.

Our School Council
Our School Council

Big Buddies

All the older children in school and a Big Buddy to a younger child in school. This role supports all children to care for others and build relationships with all children across the school. This helps build a school community where we all care for each other. Buddies meet each half term and work on different themes. The Year 5 Buddies support the Reception children to go to their first assembly. Over their time at Churwell, older children will be a buddy to three children. The friendships they build are wonderful.

Big and Little Buddies made Christmas cards for each other and wrote special messages to each other. 

Eco Council

Each class in Key Stage 2 are invited to elect a council member who would help to look at the way the school can become more environmentally friendly and bring about small changes within our school. 

Children were requested to put a short paragraph together detailing why they would be good at being in the Eco School Council and their class members voted anonymously.

The elected members give up part of their lunchtimes to attend meetings.  

Our Eco Council Team
Our Eco Council Team

Arts Council 

Our Arts Council are working with Penny Rowe, an artist. She is developing the children's understanding of the seven elements of art. The children are then experts and can support other children in school. As well as this, they develop and contribute ideas on how art is taught in school or how we can make things better. 

Our Arts Council
Our Arts Council