Churwell Primary School

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Westwoodside, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS27 9HR

01132 527437

Churwell Primary School

Learn, Aspire, Achieve

Milk in School


As part of the School Fund Plan we are legally required to make milk available for drinking during school hours, and for our Under 5’s this milk is available free of charge. We will register your child with Cool Milk Ltd, our school milk provider, so that they can enjoy milk in school as soon as they arrive up to the Friday before their 5th birthday. Once they turn 5 you can register your child to continue to receive subsidised milk in school via the following link:


Payment is made directly to Cool Milk and delivered directly to school for distribution. 189ml of semi-skimmed milk is excellent as a mid-morning drink as it provides a nutritional boost and keeps children hydrated between breakfast and lunch; helping them to concentrate, learn and play.