Churwell Primary School

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Westwoodside, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS27 9HR

01132 527437

Churwell Primary School

Learn, Aspire, Achieve

Key Stage 2 Results

Our data for 2023: 

Number of children in the cohort: 60

Attainment: (Figures in red are national outcomes)


80(73%) of children achieved the expected standard in Reading 

40% (32%) of children achieved a greater depth standard in Reading 

83% (71%) of children achieved the expected standard in Writing 

18% (7%) of children achieved the greater depth standard in Writing 

88% (72%) of children achieved the expected standard in Grammar, spelling and punctuation 

47% (38%) of children achieved the greater depth standard in Grammar, spelling and punctuation 

77% (73%) of children achieved the expected standard in Maths 

32% (17%) of children achieved the greater depth standard in Maths 

73% (59%) achieved the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths 

12% (3%) of children achieved the greater depth standard in Reading, Writing and Maths 


Average progress for reading: 1.61

Average progress for writing: 1.58

Average progress for mathematics: 1.40


Average scaled score in reading: 105

Average scaled score in mathematics: 104





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